
Is the Penis Getting Smaller Through Evolution?


The desire to enlarge the penis has been in place for decades upon decades. If it has always been so popular, why are we only really hearing about it in recent years? As men become more comfortable discussing their size issues, the topic has been pushed from the secreted corners where it was previously kept and into the mainstream. A growing popularity in penis enlargement is mostly due to the number of men willing to acknowledge they have a problem, and then their willingness to seek a solution to their problem. Thus, companies have taken the steps to create penis enlargement devices and products to sell which attempt to tackle the issue.


As the popularity of penis enlargement has grown over the years, it has led scientists and researchers to speculate on the possible changes in penis size through evolution. Is the penis getting smaller over time, or are we just hearing about the problem more? We may not have a true answer to this question for generations, it will take years of research to determine if evolution is really playing a part.

In the mean time, physicians and researchers are spending large amounts of time and money attempting to combat the penis enlargement issue. Devices have been created, tested, and marketed which use either suction or traction to increase the length of a man’s penis. In addition to the physical devices, there are also a number of pills and supplements on the market which claim to lengthen a man’s penis. While companies continue to prosper off of the penis enlargement devices they sell, research is still being done to understand if evolution is to be blamed for a drop in average penis size.

This is not to say that scientists believe penis size is getting smaller over time for no particular reason. In fact, thinking that the body is naturally growing a smaller penis as a form of evolution is counter-productive to the continuation of our species. However, there may be significant factors involved in the penis shrinkage theory, factors that are often environmental and nutritional.

As our society grows, and we become more technologically advanced, as a whole we rely more heavily on newer products. One of the products which has become the most popular in the last century is plastic. Today, plastic is found in most of the items we own or use, everything from toys to kitchenware even automobiles. Unfortunately, plastics have a side effect that few people consider in their day to day routines. Al l plastic contains chemicals, either inherent to the creation of the plastic, or as a by-product of the manufacturing. These chemicals in plastic can adversely affect the human body, specifically the endocrine system.

Our endocrine system guides our hormones, and their production. As the endocrine system is weakened by the plastic chemicals, the male body is unable to produce the correct levels of testosterone and other sexual health related hormones. Over generations, as the hormone levels decrease, the size of the penis could be decreasing as well. It has already been established that too much contact with certain plastics can lead to babies with birth defects and people of all ages developing cancer.

People are most often exposed to plastics and their chemicals via their nutritional habits. Foods that are prepared or cooked in or on plastic devices can leach chemicals into the ingredients. Convenience meals that are packaged and sold in a “ready to eat” fashion are often microwaved in plastic containers. All of these dietary choices can lead to more plastic chemical exposure, and possible decreased penis size. In the next century, researchers will be more able to determine how much evolution and our environment has truly affected our bodies.

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