Penis Size Myths and Facts

Three Facts About Penis Size You May Not Know

3 facts

We tend to think we know our own bodies pretty well. But the fact of the matter is the human body – even our own – has a way of surprising us. For men who have decided to try penis enlargement this fact is often driven home as they read more about how enlargement devices work as well as how resilient the penis is when it comes to various methods. We’ve gathered together three facts about the penis which will not only help you better understand this part of the body, but can also give some insight into the best and most effective enlargement options for you.

Devices and Surgery Aren’t the Only Way to Increase Size

Enlarging the size of the penis is generally seen as a fairly slow process. After all, stretching the penis too quickly can cause tears, sprains and even the build-up of scar tissue beneath the skin which can develop into a problematic condition known as Peyrione’s Disease. So having some patience is important. But there’s another way many men can increase their size which is quicker than using a device and can produce noticeable results in the first two or three weeks. The method is simple – lose weight. Men who carry additional weight around their stomach and lower abdomen are essentially shortening the length of their penis as the fat prevents deep thrusting and also causes the penis to sit further inside the body. How is that possible? Easy, a build-up of fat around the base of the penis bulks out your body, but it doesn’t push the shaft of the penis up, it just cushions around it. The result? A penis with an inch or more which is hidden beneath that fat.

It Doesn’t Matter if Size Matters

The debate on how much women really care about size is one of the eternal questions likely to be the focus of debate forever. Studies have shown that some women care, some don’t and, overwhelmingly, they mostly only care when it’s a one night stand. For long-term relationships their Wish List of attributes focuses on things like having a sense of humour and confidence. But size does matter to men – many men associate their own self-confidence and self-worth with the size of their penis. That means that even a guy who is of average length can benefit from penis enlargement since it will boost his confidence and the way he sees himself.

Chances Are You’re Totally Average

Back in the 1940s, Dr. Kinsey and his team set about to learn as much about human sexuality as possible. Their ground-breaking books went on to redefine how we see ourselves, and especially how men see each other. Their work was originally the result of polling thousands of men and asking them a number of questions – including their penis size. Men were asked to be honest and report the facts but, surprise surprise, many men exaggerated their results and so the first ‘average penis size’ was placed around 6 to 7 inches. When researchers went back and conducted their own measurements in later studies and updates of the book, the real average of around 5.5 inches was revealed. Nevertheless, many men worry they don’t measure up when, in fact, they are well within the average measurements.

Understanding how penis enlargement works is an important first step to an effective enlargement routine. It can also help men better understand what they want and define their enlargement goals, especially if they have been chasing after a fictitious idea of how big most men really are. In the end, penis enlargement is often more important for men and their feelings of self-confidence than it is for women. That makes it something of a self-help option for many men who might struggle with feelings of inadequacy. It’s a simple and pro-active way for men to take control and make the changes they always wanted.

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