
FAQs about Penile Traction Devices

Among all of the different products marketed to increase the size of the penis, none has proven more effective than a traction device. The Quick Extender Pro is one example of a traction device, something that applies a steady but gentle pulling pressure in order to stretch the tissue and encourage growth.

FAQs about Penile Traction DevicesThe design of these devices causes concern among some men, and understandably so. It is not normal for men to think about strapping a contraption to the penis that will pull on it. Yet despite the images many conjure up their minds, traction is a safe and proven method for adding length and girth. It has been used for thousands of years. To help put your mind at ease, below are some of the most commonly asked FAQs about penile traction devices.

Q: Does traction really work? And if so, how?

A: Yes, traction really does work. Medical science has been using it for generations to produce excess skin for grafting purposes, increase the length of shortened limbs, increase the size of muscle tissue, and so on. Ancient cultures have employed traction to increase penile size by simply tying weights to the penis for a few hours per day. The process works by stressing the underlying tissue to the point of creating tiny, microscopic tears which are then repaired through the natural process of tissue regeneration.

Q: Does traction cause pain?

A: As long as you use a traction device according to the manufacturer’s instructions you should not feel any significant pain. You might experience a slight discomfort over the first day or two, but it should not be painful in any way. If you do experience pain you may have the device attached to tightly or not in the right position. Stop using it, give your body a couple of days to recover, and try again.

Q: Can I use the device under my clothing?

A: This is a common question due to the fact that you have to use a traction device for 6 to 8 hours per day in order for it to be effective. You can wear it under your clothing, but be sure to wear loose fitting boxer shorts and comfortable pants. Stay away from briefs and tight jeans.

Q: Can I use the device while sleeping?

A: Yes, you can use your traction device when sleeping. But please be careful and use some common sense dictated by your sleeping habits. If you’re the type of person that tosses and turns frequently it’s possible your traction device could get caught up in sheets or blankets and cause you a significant injury. On the other hand, if you’re the type of person that tends to stay in the same position all night you should be fine. Before deciding whether or not to sleep with your traction device, ask your partner if she has observed your regular sleeping habits.

Q: How long will it take to reach my desired size?

A: The answer to this question depends on several different factors. First of all, what is your desired size? Second, how does your desired size relate to your current size? In most cases you won’t see a whole lot of results within the first to three months because the traction device is “priming” the penis for increased tissue production later on. Beginning in the fourth month you should begin to see significant additions in length and girth. By the sixth month it’s full steam ahead. Just remember that the key to traction is to increase size over time. Don’t push too hard.

Q: Are there any adverse side effects when using a traction device?

A: There are no reports of adverse side effects among traction device users who follow manufacturer instructions. Of course, going beyond those instructions and doing your own thing always poses some risk, not unlike any other medical procedure. When used appropriately traction devices are completely safe and pose no physical danger to the user.

Q: Can I continue adding size indefinitely?

A: In theory you could continue to add length and girth indefinitely. There have been certain indigenous tribes in South America that manage to extend the necks of their females to incredible heights using traction. Whether or not this would work for the male penis is not known. There are some parts of the body that naturally shut down in terms of tissue production is a means of preventing greater harm to the body. In either case, adding more than 2 inches or so would probably be impractical anyway.

If you are interested in having a larger penis traction is one of the best methods of accomplishing it. Before you buy a traction device please take the time to do your homework and research all your options. Also, don’t be afraid to contact manufactures and ask questions. Reputable companies like Quick Extender Pro will be more than happy to provide you with all the information you need.

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