Tips and Tricks

Things to Do Before Using a Penile Extender

So you’ve decided to use a penile extender like the Quick Extender Pro.  That’s great, but there are some things you need to do before you begin starting your program.  If you truly want to reach your goals and be successful in using the Quick Extender Pro, you first need to make certain you know how to use it.  Read the literature that comes with the device and learn exactly how to use the product.  Knowing how to using it properly is the first step in increasing the size of your penis.

Second, set reasonable goals.  Decide what your ultimate goal is as far as increasing your penis size goes, then break that goal down and set short-term goals.  Remember that you are unique, so you shouldn’t follow someone else’s goals.  Be sure your goals are realistic; if you can’t reach your goals, you’ll lose motivation.

Set aside uninterrupted time to use the Quick Extender Pro penile extender.  It comes with several different plans you can choose from so you want to pick the one that best fits your lifestyle.  At first, you may want to go with a slower plan then, if you see that you have more time to devote to using it, you can increase the amount of time or frequency you use the Quick Extender Pro.

Stick to the schedule.  While there may be a day or two here and there when you just can’t use the penile extender, do your best to stick to the schedule.  If you start allowing yourself to skip a day here and there because you just don’t want to use the extender, you’ll soon stop using it completely.

The Quick Extender Pro can permanently increase penile size and it can do it safely and effectively.  However, it does require you to set goals and keep up with it.

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